Monday, September 3, 2007

The poisons of the Dendrobatiden

The poisons of the Dendrobatiden are separated by skin glands, which are on the entire body surface. The frog poison Batrachotoxin, which is to be found predominantly with kinds from the kind Phyllobates, ranks most poisonous us among the well-known natural substances - the poison quantity of an individual frog is sufficient, in order to kill over 1000 mice. Beside Batrachotoxin a multiplicity of further materials on alkaloid basis in the skin of the Dendrobatiden could be proven. With the Erdbeerfröschchen we find mainly the far less poisonous Pumiliotoxine. The effect of the poisonous secretions is on the one hand bakterio and fungistatisch, beyond that affects the poison the digestive tract of the Fressfeinde, where it causes burning pain as well as nausea. If the alkaloids arrive into the bloodstream, they can unfold their neurotoxic effect, by attacking in different way at the periphären nervous system: For example Pumiliotoxin B prevents a closing of the sodium channels, which releases again a durable muscle contraction. The consequences are heartbeat disturbances and asphyxiation accumulations. Newest investigations prove that the arrow poison frogs their poison take up this or its preliminary stages to a large part not to produce, but over the food. This explains also the fact that in shank pulled tight animals do not exhibit toxicity.

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